4 days til the meet !!
"PICS FROM LAST TIME-click to see"
this one might have a bigger attendance being in the popular WABDL Federation...I've got my sights on big lifts..my speed day today,indicated that my bench training is right on schedule for a good result!
Notes on the BCPA Meet the 28th..this was a small but exciting contest..some fine lifting from Preetpal Atwal in the 110 kg class had the crowd cheering wildly--musta helped,Preetpal broke some National and BC Records...Oh yes, so did Jackie Sandhu..she of course is IPF Masters World champion in her class..Don Froese,nearly didn't get one in..but the bench he did get,was a RECORD!! good show Don !!
Vince Courville went for a record and nearly got it..but Terry Courville in the sub juniors got all his record attempts..new on the scene was Jim Brault who is training with Bob Hindley's team..Jim lifted very well...Nancy Carpenter helped with rack heights weigh in's drug tests (for the women) and coached 2 lifters,our buddy Paul Wells who got some PRs-and improved his performance from his last meet and Chris Joustra who lifted raw, actually he was wearing a big squat suit that Liz Willett once gave me..on Chris,it's so loose it becomes a singlet..Chris shows great promise and is Nancy's 'favorite' newcomer ! he won his 90kg class..one of my favorite lifters to watch was Anton Dirkin..very good form..lots of intensity..and really is a main helper with the BCPA ! Anton had a good day!looking strong !
..the press call???...I think the calls in the bench were mostly right on the money,as prescribed in the IPF rule book..the ones where the call wasn't quick enough,in my estimation,were only a half second too long..most of the lifters got used to it and managed thru very well...me,I woulda bitched maybe once,on slowness..but man that is pretty good..when I go lifting there next,I'll take some weight off those attempts just to make sure I dont end up in the bombers club.
"Hello, I'm Robert O. Smith,I'm not JUST a member of the bombers club...I liked it so well, I bought the company!"