Saturday, January 27, 2007

Last heavy day before the meet !

Got a tough 507 Bench press today..and it was a very different feeling..the shirt seemed to have no "pop" at all and it felt very heavy--and it seemed like it was all me grinding it up..that of course made me happy knowing I could get a decent lift in a wimpy shirt--the fabric felt dead,but I figured 7 days out I didn't need to hit any higher poundage--so all I did was a bunch of raw warm ups with 225 270 315 330 355...then some reverse bands up to reps with 440..then Bruce and Nancy lifted--Nancy got a 90 KILO touch n go bench and a rather perfect 85 KG meet style bench in her Inzer HDHP shirt..if she could arch at all ('owwies' in her back) she'd be benching waay more..Bruce is not competing lately but he is mighty in the bench auxillary work and has a great deadlift and shrug as proven by how he lifts off for me --see the clip below in the previous blog,to see him pretty much take 450 of the 535 to hand out my,one more speed band day..then the meet in Issaquah NEXT Saturday --I think we've got Jody Cranston, Nancy and me at this meet...

And tomorrow will be a nice BCPA meet at the Jericho center..I think Special O's start it out at 10:30am or so, then the "Bench Only" is contested --then the 3 lift, a long and exciting day..Nancy is there to help with the meet and also to coach our Pal, Paul Wells who will lift in the afternoon..this time I'm just 'watchin' !

check it out ! 4196 West 4th Sunday Jan 28th


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