I miss my deltoids...

Bad NEWS !! I'm back from my cancer operation..and it didn't go as planned...the doctor had to abort the idea of a whipple procedure (100% cure) due to new cancer found next to the pancreas..so I'm stuck with recovering from an "Alternate" operation..THEN starting a new fight for the main problem after I'm back to where was before the 'cutting' began...most of all I miss my mass...my arms are ET like --my waist droops like Roger the Alien on American Dad..and my once cannonball/shotput like deltoids are like robin eggs...see above..
Here is a sketch I did of myself in the hospital...sadly it looks just like me..

Meanwhile from some truly great emails from Ron Moormeister, it looks like there is a NEW very close contender for the 600 lb bench press at over 60...Ron's workouts lately are astonishing and I see him being the fresh contender for this milestone...keep your eyes on USPF meets in California to see his next new numbers.
PLUSA --Ron Fernando has an iron game legends article in Powerlifting USA magazine--in the latest issue he does one of the best most concise Doug Hepburn overviews I've ever seen..if you subscribe be sure to read this great legends section...it is accurate and inspiring...
meanwhile Bench Bozo is doing his best to hang on--
load the bar to-----'the bar'?
(45 pounds--joke)
Sorry that the the whipple plan didn't workout for you. Know that there will be many of us sending positive energy your way as you take all the lessons you've learned about fighting for that next five pounds and apply it to this next battle. Don't worry about the mass you've lost, could you imagine where you would be now if you were a marathoner. Thanks for the update and I'll be in touch.
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