Wimpo Shirt,bands and boards.
Best part of the strength adding aspect of this workout was the RAW exercises..benches like 225 X8 330X3 350X2 373X1 for 2 singles...then reverse bands to 507 probably 12 sets or so....then we did boards raw...3 boards 373 X6-- 2 boards 373X 3..the whole team did rotating varied weights and reps during this workout and we felt very positive about our pace and sets n' reps...we have just gone back to using boards, so we were conservative on the poundages...when next we do boards,we'll do more weight and some one boards !
I've got my tickets for Anaheim and am looking forward to benching on the same day as the 'big' boys this year --or should I say? "young" lifters....my regular 61-67 class lifts on Tuesday--so I'm going to lift in the open class and 'cover' the 61-67 for record breaking purposes...so I'll be getting one of those cool blue medals this year ...I have enough of the bathtub sized loving cups already !