Saturday, October 27, 2007

Iffy "Shirting"

Today was a heavy dress rehearsal, with my Katana shirt...This is the one that gave me the 535.6 pound 61-67 masters World record lift @ALKI in August...It, over the years has become loose on my arms and has been deemed an 'opener shirt'.

Just to be safe, I went up to 507 with it.. 495 wouldn't quite the 507 was picked to be a safe touched and went up for a legal looking lift --but it was difficult and slow at the top...
We torqued the sleeves mightily and tried 529 ---it wouldn't come down....then we tried touched, and came up to a very slow lockout....I'm not sure if the lockout was even (required for a good lift) but I was happy that I could do a super heavy weight in what is sposed to be a worn out shirt....seemed like I might of been stronger and the shirt seemed to be doing less of the work...still, I didn't have totally outstanding shirt work today..

I did many raw sets and some reverse band work so that my upper body was stressed in a good altho my lifting "artistry" was iffy...the workout was a success--

Next week, we test run my newest,and best Katana to get confident in the shirt...and set a 'plan' for attempts and strategy--we have 2 more HEAVY Saturday workouts til the meet...
Nov 16 Nancy competes,
Nov 17 I compete.

Nancy did a PR 205 POUNDS in the bench today...since she prefers kilos...that's 93 KG...that's really quite fine for a 50 year old Drug Free 154 pound woman !--If she gets it at the World's it will be a WABDL Canadian National Record.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Platform in 24 days !

It's 24 days before the WABDL World's ....that is, until I lift with the big boys in the Open 308's...I cant yet project what my numbers will be like, but you know I want that 540 Bench press for sure....but 551 and 562, are what would really make me happy...and of course, some time soon I want to see just how quickly 600 will tear my arms off !

My birth certificate says I'll be 65 years old when I lift....what does it know? talk to me for 5 minutes and you'll know I'm 13....

Today was speed bench day--I went to Target Fitness and attached the blue bands under the bench (Heavy Heavy to push against) then warmed up with 40 reps of 135 --then went right to the 225 pound main sets 4 reps X 8 sets--good speed on the bar...but NOT as explosive as I'd like...still, they will be ready by meet time,working that explosion back UP ! then for fun --took off bands and did 315 for 5 reps and a single with 365....seems easier than pushing on the 225 PLUS Bands....drat that cursed rubber !

When I took the bands off the ends of the bar--and let them flap back --they hit the gym carpet and made a loud SNAP POW !!!!

"Dude--Phil Spector is in the house !"

The Lotto TV spot that inspired my cartoon "The BLIMP" (it played on CBC TV as part of the nation wide show EXPOSURE) is on the air....without me...I tried out as an 'on camera' (not cartoon) wrestler type, and when 6 months passed and the spot never aired, I figured I didn't get the part because I looked TOO FAT--or the spot just was NEVER made....well, nope--it's on the air for BC LOTTO and I guess I wasn't FAT ENOUGH...the guy they chose probably has 60 pounds on me...of course they have 2 muscleman types and a CHYNA look alike actually looks damn good without me....but boy, can an actor be wrong ...when guessing why he's not chosen??
Surely, It can't be because of a lack of ugly ?!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Sunday's Heavy Bench !

About 5 pm Sunday, I worked out at Nancy's gym...this was a heavy bench day, sans Bench Press shirt...I wanted to hit some big numbers but without aggravating my, putting the bench in the squat rack, the pins at 7, I did pin presses from chest height UP from a dead stop...warm ups 135 for 20-- 245 X 10 --330 for 3 --350 X 1-374X1+1--394 X 1--then 404 (tough) backed off to 385 for 2 singles--then BACK to 404, easier this time---then 410 for my final raw explain HOW I get the bar at chest height, I have 2 inches to clear under the bar at 7 holes...but once under the bar, I arch up to touch it....then push...

I did reverse blue bands from that position with 440 for 3, 460X 1 --507 for 2 sets of 1-- singles with 517-527-537 and one tough 542.5

Fine and strong workout !

I have been enjoying the IPF World championships streaming video from IPF dot com..some terrific lifting and the judging was 95.8 % more rational this year..altho I do find the world meets easier to lift in than the regional and national can still see this great lifting which is archived at the site...hats off to IPF for offering these meets quickly to lifters across the world !

Terrible News---from powerlifting

Tim Chinchor reports on the passing of Richard Zareck at a meet on October 13 at All American Gym in Lakeland, Florida.

Richard was in the warm up area getting ready for his lift in the second flight when he had a massive heart attack, he had just completed a set of ten with 135lb, I did his lift off and walked beside the bench, he did one fine rapid set, looked good. When he stood up he dropped to his knees and went unconscious, attempts were made to revive him, to no avail . Richard left a wife three children and seven grandchildren, he was 66. Richard appeared to be in excellent shape weighing in at a rock solid 251lb. He was a lock to win best bencher with a third attempt to be 470 lb.. He was a very active bencher with still standing WABDL records, and records in other federations.

Anyone who spent time with Richard will remember he was a fantastic, funny and inspirational lifter who loved the science of the game. He will be forever missed. The sport lost a great soul at All American gym in Lakeland Florida on Saturday October 13th , he was doing what he loved when he passed away.


I saw Richard lift last year at the WABDL World's and was wildly impressed...this is a sad loss to our lifting community !

Tuesday back to speed work with bands --Saturday..Shirt work heavy !

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Survey says: STRONGER !

It was a heavy workout for Nancy, Bruce and I today.

I brought in a Titan Fury F6, which was used in 3 meets, meaning it is a 'new' shirt (altho 2 years old) last time I used it, I did a 523 pound bench press... My idea was to see if I had gained strength in the last little while, or if the Katana shirts were enabling me to the big lifts with their superior construction....

This could be an 'egg on one's face festival', if it backfires and it turns out that I'm all 'shirt' after all !

So I warm up with 12 X 135 a little sore .....6X225 --huh?--feels heavy...330 X3 slow...350..uncomfortable...350 again...ahh, now that felt perfect !

So we put on the shirt...440 no touch...462....485....then 507...down...touches and back up BUT with a difficult lockout...That's not sposed to happen this is a 523 shirt remember? we torque the sleeves just a tiny bit...load the bar to what my Katana gives me.

540 (245 kilos) and try it in the newly adjusted F6.....and POW !!
up it goes !! this time the bar path brought the weight forward and straight at the top... lately, all my successes,and failures, are locking up and back toward the racks...hmm...the straight out and slightly forward ones seem to look cleaner...hope I keep sending them there nice by cockeyed logic if this is a "523" shirt and I just did 540...maybe I am getting stronger as planned, and it's not just the dynamite in my armpits getting me the recent good numbers...
The first time I used today's shirt, 2 years back in Olympia

The rest of the workout was lots of reps with varying weights 286 to 308 ...while Bruce and Nancy lifted them with reverse blue bands...I did them raw and without the bands and varied grips. Heavy 3-2 and 1 board presses wound up the session...

Nancy did shirt work and looked very strong with a 195 pound best training lift today...that was with a tweaked shoulder too...fine workout.

A month away from OUR WABDL World's in Anaheim !

Do YOU have Iron Butterfly's in your stomach too??

Monday, October 08, 2007

2 workout catch up

On Thursday I lifted up the street at Target Fitness...did speed bench AND a few Heavy raw benches in the rack (for the safety of it) and got a 350 380 385 and a 390, no hand offs...I don't like to test my RAW on heavy days because it feels different than shirt work and normally I focus on that, to prepare for the Raw benches were things I knew I could complete, or all my bragging rights in that gym would be I spose my real RAW wont get tested til I get the BIG shirted bench I want, out of the way first--551-562 in a MEET will do--

Yesterday, I did lockouts at Nancy's gym...usually I use the squat rack for nearly complete dead stop benches, but today I started with 6 inch lock outs and did Many sets up to 507 for 4 sets...

Then I sort of started over, by taking the pins down to to closer to my chest level for a longer stroke.. and did 350 for 5 --380 for 3 --396 for one 406, 416,426 and 436 for singles...then reverse bands with the 'greens' for 440 507 512 529...pretty good heavy day...not sore today !

Our pal Jane Smith got thru her world meet (IPF Master's WORLDS) with a 5th place finish...she truly was competitive and did looked as though the travel had her losing 10 pounds as she weighed in very light for her class...but, had she been able to go UP a class, instead ...her days total would've been gold !

Shawn O'Halloran got gold in his hotly contested division with a world record bench press...all that, with a shoulder injury ! wow ! Mighty Mighty Man !

All in all, the Canadian team did their country proud all the good news is at

Some People from the Northwest that I've met throughout the years did great at that meet too, Paula Houston, Jill Arnow, Kevin Stewart and Roger Hendrix among others either won OR qualified for individual lift gold and silvers !!
good going my friends !

I noted that in the 60 + supers (my division) my IPF 3 lift, World bench Press RECORD stayed untouched, unbeaten another year.....whew !! always a close call !
My Pal from Radio, many years ago, Hal Swift, (google Hal Swift Cowboy poetry) asked for me to show more trophies I've won over the years....well there are so many they would take 30 here is the latest batch that have slopped over onto the dining table....

'Hey Robert O....pass the bencher....I mean, the salt..."