Back in the Gym !
The Aberdeen pics are up..some of you are coming FROM that report to the workout log here..for those of you who happened onto this from the net--the link to the update is down a few entries click on it to see the pics...
Today I went back into the gym after laying off since Sunday...I was scheduled for speed work ..but I felt like doing heavy pin presses..I set out with a few warm ups 315X5 then 405X2+405X3 then 425+ 435X 1+1 then 445 and 450..that was as good as I get in that dead stop 'floor press' style lift..this form of benching usually has me grinding out that last raw 450 it went easier..that means that I havent lost any ground from Saturday's big,I'll do speed work and then a shirt day next,I'll resume training with IPF style form so that my Issaquah meet October 21st will add some weight to my IPF sanction PR --512 maybe (50 lbs over the single lift world record in that fed.)if I made that on my 2nd attempt...I might try a heavy bench like 534 just to get it up and locked without even attempting to please the judges..the audience might get a kick out of that..and I'd have a confident footing for the Vegas 534-540 would be a good goal !--One thing is clear,I have to stop 'celebrating' with food and wine AFTER a used to be that I'd congratulate a good performance (or mourn a Bad one) by having a Pizza and some ice cold pale I stuff myself with food and wine for a week after a meet..body doesn't need it..dont like the guilt..and the trend is comically upsetting...what was a 2 hour binge..has slowly become 2-3-4-SIX days of eating what I want...Bad Super Lumpy Weight !! Bad !!