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Talked to Mike Lambert of Powerlifting USA at the worlds--he sez Canada has a new distributor of the magazine and he says the amount of stores taking our sports leading publication will rise--meanwhile--our Vancouver mainstay--Mayfair mags is only stocking 3 issues a month--so hopefully, it will work out so Vancouverites can find ample issues at more stores to keep up with all the powerlifting events...the mags are improving with each months publication...on page 65 of the current issue --the Portland WABDL meet was reported-- my all time world record for a 66 year old --578 Bench press-- was mentioned by Gus in the side write up--great compliments but not all his data (where I lived etc.) was correct but I'll take it--Gus recalled what he did after ONE phone conversation with me--imagine --memorizing 3000 lifters bios like he has.
AAU Powerlifting contests in Washington state will soon be managed by Liz Willett --she is a great champion and person--I can't wait til she starts putting meets on in the Northwest--that could mean meets as close as Bellingham soon...shirts-or-RAW--good and proper judging--and drug free--this will be a happy event for everyone I know who lifts in western Canada..
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