Sunday, September 06, 2009

Reclaiming my pin Press !

Robo not only got a best lifter sword and 2 golds in Olympia--but he won best "Miss Piggy Ankles"

As I stay on the same program so long and I lose weight --my RAW chest height pin press has, as hinted, in the last workout log I'm going to use the Old tried and True Doug Hepburn template to get it back from 395 to 405 I set the bench up at Target Fitness in Vancouver in the squat rack--put the bar on the pins and warmed up with 135X12 225X 8 315X4 365X2 and then chose 385 and my poundage, trying to get one more set ( a single rep) from last time--and with some room to spare I hit 4 singles with 385 and next time in will try for 5...

Next Saturday I'm back to shirt work with Nancy and Bruce...I'm going to actually use my 'meet' shirt to break into 600 in the gym before October's WABDL Worlds !
People complain about not getting the shirt on properly ....HAH...I lift best when my shirt is on 'right side wrong' I plan to actually USE board presses (like everyone ) to get my last few inches stronger in competition..looks like it is MANDATORY for progress !

KUDOS !!! Jody Cranston IS athlete of the week in the Vancouver SUN Newspaper Sept 5 edition !! nice write up of him, and his big numbers at Olympia !
scroll down a coupla stories to see the write up...


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