Saturday, March 31, 2007

Good progress !

Good Heavy day workout !!
On the pin presses I did 315X6 405X3 405X2 425 445 445 445, at or a smidge above chest-RAW!

Then, to reverse band benches using the small purple bands,there I did 500X2 515X2 535 535 535 and then 545...the 545 was hard and really pounded the triceps !

Left the bands on and did partial rack deadlifts below knee ..545X2 for 4 sets..then took off the bands and did one 500 and one 545 rep.
nice hour and 15 min workout...surprise !! no one in the gym was a doofus today,good form on most of the lifts..decent use of the weights and equipment..maybe the "A" group gets to the gym earlier than the ones that annoy me in previous rants !!

Sad Pullout !

"I beg my pardon?"
I wrote to Bruce McIntyre today to tell him I couldn't make it to the CPO National's after much as you've seen me gather enthusiasm for this meet that will be a terrific event and an impressive show of strength for Canadian lifters..things have transpired in my career,one, an important recording session the day of my flight to Toronto, and a 'slower work year' the means I need my income to live on rather than do my intense schedule of meets..

I see maybe only 4 more meets this year,they will most likely be ones I can drive to..and some that might not even require a hotel stay ($$$$)
I'll miss seeing the amazing lifters and friends like Bert Merriman,Tony Tomra,Andrey, Bruce,and that giant of bench Clint Harwood ! but this year I have to spend more reasonably...

"Here's the GREAT poster for National's"

I do have ONE possible project that may act like a transfusion to my bank account...but,I'm wrestling with politics to even stay a part of it that has done much to change my plans...hopefully I can get some meet pics to share here, of the CPO's May 5th and 6th ! it'll be great ! I'm told there may be a CPO Bench only In August closer to home,meanwhile I'll focus on the bench and dead in the Olympia Wa. meet in June...drivable..


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